
AS Opening Sequence

Monday 19 October 2009

What makes a successful opening of a film?

Within lessons, we have been discussing and debating what makes a good opening sequence for a film and after doing a lot of research, and contributing my own opinions, i have found the following key elements:
- An interesting way to give an idea of what the film is about
- All the essential information within the titles eg. director, editor etc.
- Something that will grab the audiences attention enough to want to proceed watching

Especially after watching previous years' work i had a better understanding of what our future coursework wanted. This then made my research a lot more important and relevant to my course.

In this opening, there is 100% animation to illustrate the important theme of the film. The different shots and images flowed from one into the other into the other which was very original and eye catching. In addition to this, the music that accompanied it was mysterious and fitted well with what was happening on screen. I felt that the constant change of costume of one of the animated characters implied that he was the person running from authority and so, within the first few minutes of the film it is clear of what the film is about in relation to the name; "Catch me if you can." Although i did think this was a very interesting opening sequence, i wanted to look at a variety of films because i knew that when it comes to making my own opening in class, it would be filmed and not animated. I found a very good example of sex and the city: the movie, and how the opening established the film was set in New York, followed the lives of four young, successful, beautiful women and part of their history. I was able to get all of this information from just the opening. Also, considering mise en scene, the use of costume was appropriate for the characters as well as the high key lighting used as they walk down the street. Unfortunately due to certain content of the sequence (particularly the part about Samantha Jones) i felt it inappropriate to post a video illustrating its use of various shots and ability to introduce the film.

Instead i thought of one of my favourite films of all time! Forrest Gump! This opening sequence consists of the camera following a feather float and glide through the sky until eventually landing at the feet of the main character. Before, i never realised how effective this is, but now i have analysed the sequence i have seen how a concept so simple can work to introduce a film. Especially how Forrest Gump himself is a character who floats from one situation to the next throughout the film. Although it may not be the most interesting opening ever made, or include a multi-million explosion with special effects; it's still a different way to begin a film. Additionally, the music ties in perfectly with its tranquility.

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