
AS Opening Sequence

Sunday 11 October 2009

The task we had to do in class consisted of planning and filming a sequence in a matter of minutes; under 60 minutes to be precise! However, the task on a personal level, was more about working with people who we wouldn't normally choose to be in our groups. Additionally, to highlight the importance of pre-production! I felt that the task didn't run smoothly at all because we were under a limited time that wasn't very realistic. I have now learned that ten minutes is no where near long enough time to plan a storyline, draft a script and storyboard or even begin to discuss the various camera shots, movements and angles we should use. I've come to the realisation that the final product's success depends entirely on the success of planning. The more prepared/aware of what it is you want and what you have to do to get it, the more likely it is that production will be less stressful. Furthermore, one big problem my group faced during production is that the whole class decided to film around the same area. In hindsight, it seems so simple now to walk to an entirely different location at the beginning of filming, so that even though it may take 5 minutes to get there, we can still get the shots we need without another member of the class yelling "ACTION" in the background. That does tend to get annoying after the first three times it happens! As far as my group goes (Noriane, Esma and myself) we thankfully agreed on everything and all shared the same ideas of how we pictured the sequence to look. I felt this was an achievement considering our rushed storyboard was not clear in the slightest. Overall, i found this task quite challenging; we were under strict time limits and the lesson's pace in general seemed to hit fast forward from the word ACTION!

1 comment:

  1. A good attempt at an evaluation Rachel however, use pinot, example, explain to give a more concise response. It seems as though you were in summary for most of your evaluation instead of highlighting key areas you learnt into different sections (objectives, what went well, what do you do differently etc). In future try and use the structure i've suggested in your evaluations.
