
AS Opening Sequence

Tuesday 6 October 2009

How and why is it possible that anyone can be a film maker today?

In class i have been studying the film process, focusing on the three stages:
- Film production
- Film distribution
- Film screening

When i researched these stages within a group i found out a lot of interesting information. Firstly, a film originates from an idea or a concept that a writer comes up with. The script is then devised along with maybe some visuals of how the writer pictures the production to look. The writer then approaches a producer to fund the film, and in order to get a company on board he/she has to pitch the concept and persuade the company in order for them to get involved with the making of this movie. Once you have an established production company on board with your ideas, the actual production takes place. This includes scriptwriting, casting, shooting, the use of technical equipment, editing and the distribution of the film to an audience. In a particular case study, i researched finding nemo and the CGI incorporated in the film. Finding Nemo was produced by Graham Walters and the film is said to have set the "the high water mark" for computer animation.

This is a different way of making a film because the use of animation means less shooting and more research into the life in the ocean. Numerous visits to aquariums took place as well as lectures from fish zoologists. Additionally, the preproduction for this film began in 1997, but the final product was revealed in 2003. This goes to show that with a Hollywood budget and an original idea never encountered before, film production earns the success it's worth. For film distribution, i found that this is the middle process that creates the excitement and enthusiasm for a film. This can be done in many ways; through the selling of merchandise, competitions and prizes in relation to the film, even advanced screenings or previews to give an audience a teaser of what the film includes. Another part of film distribution is the selling of screenings to cinemas. The company behind a film can estimate how successful the film will be and go on to sell it to numerous cinemas. In general, the distribution of a film allows it to be successful before it's even been viewed. If this doesn't happen then the least it does is inform individuals of what feature length releases to look forward to. Finally, my research turned to film screening. This is the glamorous side to the film making process as it's the time period when all the hard work pays off and hopefully, the film that has been produced is popular and successful. Film screenings includes premieres and red carpet appearances for the films. Also, test screenings take place in order to get an audience reaction before general release to the public. Throughout the whole of this research i thought i had covered all aspects of film making; from preproduction to post production and even the considerations of animation. I looked at the development over time. For example, the film industry has come along from silent films to "talkies" to animation and CGI. I took notes on the idea that we have gone from sketching films (Disney) to actually producing a feature length presentation on a computer.

Although, I never thought of the production of independent films. (Also known as "indie" films) Why is it that now days more and more individuals are taking on the film industry on their own without the support of a well known company? How is it that independent film makers progress to more recognition and establishment within the film industry? Being a media student myself, and beginning to take on filming tasks, how could i not think about the great minds behind the likes of Juno and Slumdog Millionaire? After a long and thorough discussion in lesson time, i have been thinking about indie films and how they work, in comparison to films that are made using millions of pounds. So, in all cases, the beginning of a film is the same; it needs an original idea and concept. However, instead of a writer going to a well established company, they can take matters into their own hands and literally make the film using their own resources. Independent film making is becoming more accessible and affordable in the way that hand held cameras are sold in many shops worldwide and you can purchase sound and editing software straight off the shelf. Furthermore, for independent filmmakers, time and money is less of an issue where they are in full control of the schedules behind filming and casting. You don't need massive Hollywood actors to make a good film just as you don't need out of this world special effects. Anyone can be shown how to use a camera, it's more how you capture the imagination of your audience and more importantly how you use your creativity to make an artistic and original motion picture. I have browsed the Internet for as many sources as possible to enforce the idea that independent films are becoming more and more popular. I came across this website FULL of independent film all of different genres and suitable for various ages. It's called, and it's free to view all of the films posted. This made me think that independent films get a lot of recognition from the Internet and this is beneficial as people can post comments, publish ratings of the film and you can get a lot of audience feedback. Additionally, a lot of amateur directors are discovered through independent films. A prime example, Quentin Tarantino with the film Pulp Fiction. Who would of thought the now renowned hollywood director began with an indie film?

Below i have posted a short clip from YouTube that briefly explains how to become a film director. There were many "how to" videos to choose from however i feel this one summed up what i am looking into the most.

Overall, i have analysed a lot of key aspects within the film process; ranging from different types of film and their history, to different directors and what an "indie" film entails. Personally, from this research, i have become a lot more interested in independent film making and cannot wait to experience the process myself, within the media course i am currently studying and maybe even outside of my compulsory education as well!

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