
AS Opening Sequence

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Question Three

3) What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
I have taken out a lot of research into the distribution on films not only in the United Kingdom but also in the USA and even France. I have learned that there are countless ways to get your product out to be exhibited, whether it be by the Internet or make it to a screening somewhere. Firstly, the most accessible way to get your audience is to publish it onto a broadcasting site such as YouTube.
This would be suitable to our media product because where it is only the opening of a film that we would screen; we could get a lot of audience feedback on how well the sequence has been put together. Additionally, we would have a wider range of feedback and comments that will help us to improve our opening sequence. You can post videos and get hits or comments on how good it is. This is the cheapest on quickest way to distribute your film however probably not the most rewarding as your film won't hit every single audience. More ways of distributing a film include sites such as which is a UK based film distributor that focuses on supporting film makers with their productions in a way that's different to other distribution companies. They offer services for your film while still reserving you the right to all profits, costs and control of your film.

Then there is the BFI - BRITISH FILM INSTITUTE which is a huge institution where British films are kept to promote understanding and appreciation of British culture and heritage. Whilst on the BFI website i came across a passage concerning distribution that read "Distribution is the most important part of the film industry; it brings the film to life through the connection to an audience."
Distribution is more the releasing and sustaining the film's greatness within the market place. I think that this would be an appropriate institution for our film to be distributed to seeing as the production team behind it are all British, and at the time of production certain events in the media of children being taken form their families (Madeline McCann) were reported in Britain. It shows history and not so much culture but a stimulus for our film.
The independent film sector is a different process in itself - no matter what country the film is going to be distributed in. For indie films there is a much more "pig-in-the-middle" relationship to market the film. The three stages differ, now becoming Licensing, marketing and logistics. In other words, making the film look presentable and promoting it in the best way possible. Having said this when i typed in Google "Independent Film Distribution" countless addresses and phone numbers came up for venues all across the country. The website is
there are so many different routes that can be taken when it comes to distributing a film, it depends more on who you want to see it and how successful you wish for it to be. For our film in particular, I think the best way to get recognition would be to release our film to a festival. London Independent Film Festival 2010 would be suitable for our product as they show short films as well as feature lengths. Additionally, they are open to UK applicants and worldwide so there will be a very wide range of audiences all in one place who can treat our media product, as if it was real.

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