
AS Opening Sequence

Wednesday 17 March 2010

Question Four

4) Who would be the audience for your media product and why?
Aged 18-35
Any ethnic background but English language is necessary in order to understand the film
Idealistic lifestyle includes having children/planning to have children or a family based routine, enjoy riddles and mystery, smart and interested in psychological thrillers

All of the above information contributes to our target audience's likes and expectations of a psychological thriller. The reason males are the main focus is because in general they appreciate and enjoy the genre a lot more than women. The plot of our film involves a little girl being taken and her parents fighting against time and twisted games to win her back. Therefore, men could relate to this as they can put themselves in the shoes of the characters within our film. Additionally, because our film is one where the audience will be guessing the whole way through our audience will be intrigued and will therefore have to be eager to know the end of the film.

Aged 18-40
Ethnic background irrelevant as long as English is one of their languages
Lifestyle includes reading and solving puzzles/riddles, they will enjoy thinking of the ending of a film when it's only just begun etc. Females would be able to relate to the mother character and become more self involved in the film.

Films both audiences would have seen in recent months...

*silence of the lambs
*Hide and seek
*One hour photo
*Saw 1-5
*Dead silence
*The night listener

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