
AS Opening Sequence

Tuesday 3 November 2009

Group feedback on my fairy tale adaptation

Today in lesson we were split into the groups we will be working with for our main task and i have been paired with Yasmin and Matthew. I was so pleased as i have worked with both students at a GCSE level and i feel we produce high quality work together. Anyway, the objectives of today's lesson was to listen to one each others stories and give an analysis of the new film idea. We needed feedback about four keys points:

- Thematic Unity
- Logical Causality & Narrative development
- Character motivation
- Key plot points (3 Act Structure)

Both Matt and Yasmin agreed that my story seemed very "American" if that makes sense. They said "it definitely has logical causality but it's to the extent of predictability." I knew once i had pitched my story and heard their ideas that i definitely limited myself with this task and in hindsight i wish i had thought about a more different approach to a new film. Instead of falling into the typical high school romance genre! However, having said that, Yasmin noted that my character Becky had believable reasons for feeling lonely (due to the death of her mother) and this showed strong character motivation for my main character. Thus meaning Becky could really develop throughout my story.

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