
AS Opening Sequence

Friday 27 November 2009

A Phantom Films Production

Tagline:-Her parents didn’t know; now they never will…

When a young and neglected Amy is taken, her parents go on a mission to find her, only to find themselves in a twisted game of neglect and perversity leading to the shocking truth of her daughter’s whereabouts. Will the Toymaker win more importantly will the parents lose?

Amy, a pretty young girl neglected by her hardworking parents, has a daily routine. When her parents leave for work every morning she would make her breakfast and feed the cat down the street. Lonely and isolated she is easy prey for a deranged Toymaker.

After he takes her and leaves an “Amy-like” doll in her place, her parents, race against time to find their lost daughter and to win the game of the Toymaker. The Toymaker leaves a clue on the back of the doll left in Amy’s place that leads the parents to more doll’s and shocking revelations about their daughter’s location. When her parents find the last clue it chillingly reads “I Win”.

After conceding to the belief that Amy is gone forever her parents realise that they didn’t do the best by her, they leave to live with family in Scotland to grieve for their daughter. Some time later they see a news report of a series missing girls from their home town generating the need for them to help the other parents and hopefully get closure about their daughter.

The mother, soon returns to her hometown and is haunted by uncanny doll of her daughter in an abandoned toy shop window. Curious, she breaks into the shop, only to discover dozens of these life-size dolls hanging on the old shelves. When she goes to get a better look at the replica of her daughter, she notices the exact beauty spot, which Amy had on her cheek. Stunned and scared she alerts the police, and they discover the sick truth behind the disappearance of Amy in the Toymakers deadly playpen.

Sunday 8 November 2009

Film genre research: HORROR

Horror films take our deepest fears, those ideas and thoughts that are just so scary that we can't contemplate them becoming real, and ask the question "What if?" The fear of the unknown has to be the strongest human emotion and a good horror film can make us feel like we are experiencing our worst nightmare.

Tuesday 3 November 2009

House Of Wax Detailed Analysis - Opening Sequence

Group feedback on my fairy tale adaptation

Today in lesson we were split into the groups we will be working with for our main task and i have been paired with Yasmin and Matthew. I was so pleased as i have worked with both students at a GCSE level and i feel we produce high quality work together. Anyway, the objectives of today's lesson was to listen to one each others stories and give an analysis of the new film idea. We needed feedback about four keys points:

- Thematic Unity
- Logical Causality & Narrative development
- Character motivation
- Key plot points (3 Act Structure)

Both Matt and Yasmin agreed that my story seemed very "American" if that makes sense. They said "it definitely has logical causality but it's to the extent of predictability." I knew once i had pitched my story and heard their ideas that i definitely limited myself with this task and in hindsight i wish i had thought about a more different approach to a new film. Instead of falling into the typical high school romance genre! However, having said that, Yasmin noted that my character Becky had believable reasons for feeling lonely (due to the death of her mother) and this showed strong character motivation for my main character. Thus meaning Becky could really develop throughout my story.

Sunday 1 November 2009

Mind Over Matter

My fairy tale adaptation is called "mind over matter" and it deals with themes of love, good conquering over evil and the confusion/isolation teenagers face (or think they face) within society. I based my idea on the tale "the bronze ring" and the battle between the gardeners' son and the prime ministers' son for the princess's hand in marriage. It made me think about the lengths males are willing to go through in order to get the girl they want so i took this simplistic idea and threw it into a school environment in this day and age. So, my protagonist is a girl aged 15 named Becky and she lives with her Father as her Mother is unfortunately deceased. She often feels lonely without a Mother to talk to about life problems she faces. Becky is down to Earth and gets along with everyone she meets and this includes her being loved by all at her school. She has a lot of responsibilities from being head cheerleader to managing the Chess club, she is constantly faced with physical and mental challenges any teenager would breakdown at but she copes. My other two main characters are males of the same age as Becky; one named Eugene and the other named Max. Eugene is the kind hearted mathematics nerd who falls for Becky the second he sees her in the hallway. However, Max is the bad boy everyone loves to hate, including Becky. Although being faced in a sticky situation that brings all three characters together they soon learn to love one another, and Becky will face her biggest matter yet.


Fairytale Research

Bella Venezia: An italian tale by Italo Calvino

An innkeeper named Bella Venezia asked her customers whether they had ever seen a more beautiful woman than herself. When they said they had not, she cut the price for their stay in half, but one day, a traveller said that he had seen such a woman: her own daughter. Bella Venezia doubled the price of his stay instead of halving it, and had her daughter shut up in a tower with a single window. Then one day Bella asked again whether her customers had seen a woman more beautiful than herself, and a traveller said that he had seen a more beautiful woman, looking from a tower. Bella Venezia asked the kitchen boy if he would marry her, and promised to do so if he killed her daughter. The kitchen boy led her daughter into the forest and killed a lamb in her place.
The daughter wandered until she saw twelve robbers order a cave open and shut: "Open up, desert!" and "Close up, desert!" She sneaked inside and cleaned up the place, and then stole some of their food before hiding. The robbers set watch, but each robber waited outside, for the person to sneak in, and so did not catch her, until the chief robber waited inside and saw her. He told her not to be afraid: she could stay and be their little sister. But one day a robber went to Bella Venezia's inn, and told her that a girl they had with them was more beautiful than Bella.
A witch begged every day from the inn, and Bella Venezia promised her half her fortune if she could put an end to the daughter. The witch went into the forest as a pedlar, persuaded the girl to let her in, and while showing her a hair pin, thrust it into the girl's head. The robbers found her body, wept, and buried her in a hollow tree.
One day, a prince went hunting, and his dogs sniffed out the tree where the girl was buried. He took her body back to the castle and could not bear to be away from her. His mother was angry and said that he could at least fix her hair. This revealed the pin. When it was pulled out, the girl awoke, and the prince married her.

- This definitely reminded me of snow white and the seven dwarfs but intrigued me in the way that it's from Italy?
- The tale covers the themes of jealousy, vanity and death due to greed and vanity.
- Has the typical fairytale ending. the signature "Happy Ever After."

THE BRONZE RING - Middle East/Central Asia

The king despairs because his castle is surrounded by wasteland, instead of a fruitful garden. Advised that the remedy is a head gardener. Under this gardener’s care the land does flourish, but a new problem arises.
The princess loves the gardener’s son – and will marry no one else. After she refuses her father’s choice of a husband (the prime minister’s son), he contrives a contest to settle the matter: the two men must go to a far destination and the first to return shall marry the princess. They do not go off on an equal footing. The Minister’s son is equipped with a fine horse and gold, while the gardener’s son is given a lame horse and copper.
Traveling swiftly, the minister’s son encounters a woman in rags. Weak and starving, she begs for his help. He spurns her.
The gardener’s son then encounters the woman. Generously, he gives her his purse and invites her to ride behind him. At the next city, heralds announce that the sultan is sick, and that whoever cures him can name the reward. The woman instructs the boy: find and slay three particular dogs, burn them and collect their ashes, then make way to the sultan. Place the dying sultan in a cauldron over a roaring fire, and boil him right down to his bones. Finally, arrange the bones properly and scatter the dogs' ashes over them. The gardener’s son does all these things and the sultan revives, in full hearty youth. Exactly as the witch suggested, the gardener’s son chooses the bronze ring for his reward. This ring contains a djinni who grants any wish. Now the gardener’s son continues his journey in a fabulous sailing ship, with a cargo of gems, sails of brocade and a hull of gold, crewed by a dozen handsome sailors, each dressed as richly as a king – all gifts of the bronze ring.
Eventually he meets his rival, who has spent all his fortune. Unrecognized, the gardener’s son offers to supply his rival with a ship - on the condition that the skin of his back be branded with the imprint of the bronze ring, heated in a fire. Once that is done, the gardener’s son asks the ring to prepare a ship with half-rotten timbers painted black, ragged sails and a maimed and sickly crew. In this ship the prime minister’s son returns, and claims his bride from the king.
As the unhappy princess’ wedding is being prepared, the king looks out on the harbor and wonders at the gleaming gold ship sailing into it. He is so taken by the sight of its captain (the gardener's son) that he invites him to the wedding and, after closer inspection, actually invites him to give away the bride.
The gardener’s son agrees, but when he sees the intended groom he objects, telling the king that the man is not worthy of the princess, being nothing more than his own slave. The prime minister's son denies this, but the brand of the bronze ring on his back serves as proof of the claim. The gardener’s son marries the delighted princess that day with the king's blessing. They have a short period of happiness.
Meanwhile, a student of the black arts has come to learn about the genii of the bronze ring. When the prince sails off for a trip in his golden ship, he persuades the princess to trade him the ring for some red fish. Once he has the ring, he wishes the prince’s boat from gold into rotten wood, his crew from princely appearing men into hideous slaves, and the cargo of gems into ravenous black cats. (In the first edition of 'The Blue Fairy Book', reflects racist European stereotypes of the times, the magician is a crafty Jew and the debased crew become Negroes.)
Realizing that an enemy must now have his bronze ring, the prince sails on until he comes to an island inhabited by mice. The Mouse Queen sends an envoy to ask that the ship sail away with its terrible cargo of cats. The prince agrees, on the condition that his bronze ring be found and returned to him. The Mouse Queen contacts all the mice of the world, three of whom know that the magician keeps the bronze ring in his pocket when awake, and in his mouth when asleep. The three go to retrieve the ring. One of them tickles the sleeping magician’s nose with her tail, and he expels the ring from his mouth with a sneeze. After some misadventures, the mice manage to return the ring to the prince, who restores his golden vessel and hurries home to the princess. He captures the magician and has the man broken into pieces by being tied to the tail of a savage mule.

- i really liked this story as it reminded me a lot of Aladdin and the themes of betrayal linked with love and wealth. It sounded very busy when i first read it what with the witch then the sickness of the sultan and then the student of the black arts? However, i feel it worked well in portraying the morals of the story; which were clearly to be the good simaritan in any given situation. As Karma will come around in your favour as it did for the garderner's son. However, if/when the greed gets the better of you (introducing the student of the black arts) you will recieve your just deserts.

CLEVER MARIA - A Portuguese Fairy Tale

A merchant had three daughters, and the youngest, Maria, was the most beautiful. The king gave each daughter a pot of basil and forbade them to receive visitors. One day, the king came with two friends. Maria said she and her sisters would get wine from the cellar. The king said they were not thirsty. The sisters said they would not go. Maria said she would go just the same. Then she ran to a neighbour's and stayed there the night. The king was angry, but her basil did not wither, as her sisters' did.
The daughters looked over at the king's garden, and the oldest daughter asked Maria to climb down a rope and steal some fruit for her. A gardener caught her, but she escaped. The next day, the second daughter asked her to steal a fruit basket for her, but this time the king caught her. He questioned her, she denied nothing, and he told her to follow him to the house. Though he turned to make sure she followed him, she managed to escape. He fell ill.
Meanwhile, her two sisters had married the king's friends and had babies. Maria took the babies to show the king.Maria went about, calling for someone to give the babies to the king, who was sick of love. The king bought it and was infuriated that he held the babies. He knew the merchant had returned and ordered him to bring him a coat of stone or lose his head. Maria told him to take the fabric to the castle and demanded to measure the king. The king changed his order: he had to bring not the coat but his daughter Maria. Maria told her father to make her a doll of herself, with strings so she could make it nod and shake its head. Maria went to the castle and hid behind the doll.

When the king recounted her misdeeds, she made the doll nod. Because she was mocking him, he cut off the doll's head. Its head fell toward him, and he said that the man who killed her deserved to die and turned the sword on himself. Maria jumped out to stop him. They married and lived happily.

- This particular story stopped very suddenly. There were a lot of different events that took place that i didn't immediately understand however i can clearly see that love is a key theme in this tale. I also noticed that Maria is the youngest and the most beautiful of the three daughters and she is the one who the King takes a liking to. I liked how this story shows women having brains alongside beauty and still turns out to have a happy ending.

DONKEYSKIN - French Fairy Tale told by Charles Perrault

A king had a beautiful wife and a rich castle, including a marvelous donkey whose droppings were gold. One day his wife died, after making him promise not to marry except to a woman whose beauty and attributes equaled hers. The king grieved, but was, in time, persuaded to seek another wife. It became clear that the only woman who would fit the promise was his own daughter.
She went to her fairy godmother who advised her to make impossible demands as a condition of her consent: a dress the color of the sky, a dress the color of the moon, a dress as bright as the sun, and finally, the hide of his marvelous donkey. Such was the king's desire to marry her that he granted all of them. The fairy godmother gave her a marvelous chest to contain all she owned and told her that the donkeyskin would make an excellent disguise.
Illustration by Gustave Doré: as a servant
She fled. Eventually, she found a royal farm where they let her work in the kitchen, despite her ugliness in the donkeyskin. On feast days, she would dress herself in the fine gowns her father had given her, and one such day, the prince came by her room and peeped through the keyhole. He fell in love at once, fell ill with his longing, and declared that nothing would cure him but a cake baked by Donkeyskin, and nothing they could say of what a dirty creature she was dissuaded him.
When Donkeyskin baked the cake, a ring of hers fell in it. The prince found it and declared that he would marry only the woman whose finger it fit. Every other woman having failed, he insisted that Donkeyskin try, and it fit. When she had dressed herself in her fine gowns, his parents were reconciled with the match. Donkey-skin later found that her father had remarried to a beautiful widow and everyone lived happily ever after.

- This story reminded me a lot of Cinderlla but with different and more negative twists. Instead of marrying a horrible stepmother; the king married a beautiful widow who i'm assuming has been through the same sort of grief the king has. Additionally, the daughter fled and was able to live happily in the end even though she was away from her family. Also, the biggest similarity between donkeyskin and cinderella is the use of the fairy Godmother.
- Themes in this story include love and death. The fantasy comes from the fairy godmother and the happily ever after between the prince and Donkeyskin at the end.

After analysing numerous fairytales from around the world (not all i have illustrated here) i now feel that i have a lot more ideas of what to base my main task on. I have gained from this work the knowledge of cultural stories and ways in which to make a typical storyline or a predictable theme a lot more interesting. I also found that these stories differed greatly to the ones i was used to growing up yet at the same time a few of them seemed familiar as i read on.
Bella Venezia

An innkeeper named Bella Venezia asked her customers whether they had ever seen a more beautiful woman than herself. When they said they had not, she cut the price for their stay in half, but one day, a traveller said that he had seen such a woman: her own daughter. Bella Venezia doubled the price of his stay instead of halving it, and had her daughter shut up in a tower with a single window. Then one day Bella asked again whether her customers had seen a woman more beautiful than herself, and a traveller said that he had seen a more beautiful woman, looking from a tower. Bella Venezia asked the kitchen boy if he would marry her, and promised to do so if he killed her daughter. The kitchen boy led her daughter into the forest and killed a lamb in her place.

The daughter wandered until she saw twelve robbers order a cave open and shut: "Open up, desert!" and "Close up, desert!" She sneaked inside and cleaned up the place, and then stole some of their food before hiding. The robbers set watch, but each robber waited outside, for the person to sneak in, and so did not catch her, until the chief robber waited inside and saw her. He told her not to be afraid: she could stay and be their little sister. But one day a robber went to Bella Venezia's inn, and told her that a girl they had with them was more beautiful than Bella.

A witch begged every day from the inn, and Bella Venezia promised her half her fortune if she could put an end to the daughter. The witch went into the forest as a pedlar, persuaded the girl to let her in, and while showing her a hair pin, thrust it into the girl's head. The robbers found her body, wept, and buried her in a hollow tree.

One day, a prince went hunting, and his dogs sniffed out the tree where the girl was buried. He took her body back to the castle and could not bear to be away from her. His mother was angry and said that he could at least fix her hair. This revealed the pin. When it was pulled out, the girl awoke, and the prince married her.